Produce market
Produce market
Genoa Food Logistics Centre
Logistics Centre
Porta del Mediterraneo dell'ortofrutta
Hub per container e groupage delle merci
Mercato Florovivaistico
Floriculture Market
Porta del Mediterraneo dell'ortofrutta
Hub per container e groupage delle merci
Sicuramente fresco
Service Fruit and Vegetable Markets
Service Flower Markets
Market facility
Genoa Produce Market has a total surface area of 82,000 sqm, including 32,000 of indoor space. The 23,150 sqm produce pavilion is the core of the facility, containing 56 modules occupied by wholesalers, with 188 loading and unloading bays

- Via Sardorella, 10R (on navigator search Via Sardorella 417) - 16162 Genova
- (+39) 010 - 8607953
- info@mercatogenova.it