Sicuramente Fresco
double checking for consumers
The “Sicuramente Fresco” mark represents the strict traditional standards of Genoa’s Produce Market, combined with today’s inspection technologies to ensure certainty of traceable, recognisable, fresh produce.
Implementation of the project, which supports dealers’ own independent inspection methods, permits inspection of individual members participating in the initiative with sampling and analysis of the produce they sell.

The many goals of the Sicuramente Fresco initiative include detection of the possible presence of residues of plant treatments or other chemical contaminants to ensure the healthfulness of the produce sold. Every wholesaler is required to comply with the technical regulations and implement any corrective actions that may be requested.
The project, with the participation of all dealers in the market through the COMAG consortium operating in Genoa’s Produce Market, involves a detailed programme of inspections conducted by SATA of Quargnento (Alessandria).